Here I will maintain a comprehensive list of media I’ve come across that is exceptionally high in quality and educational value. While most people prefer to spend their time indulging in such fascinating mental adventures as “American Idol” and “Dancing With The Stars” … I prefer to take in things that have value beyond just killing time. Sadly, alot of this stuff isn’t discussed frequently, and I find out through word of mouth or some other obscure source. So here is my repository of “worthy” media, grouped by category, with the best stuff in each category first.
Books | Clips | Movies | Netcasts | TV Shows
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins |
Humor, Religion, Society |
The Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul |
Civil Liberties, Economics, Education, Fascism, Liberty, Politics, Socialism, Society |
Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris |
Religion, Society |
The Anti-Federalist Papers by Various Authors |
Civil Liberties, Fascism, Liberty, Politics, Socialism, Society |
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand |
Economics, Education, Liberty, Politics, Socialism, Society |
The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek |
Economics, Fascism, Liberty, Politics, Society |
Free to Choose: A Personal Statement by Milton Friedman |
Civil Liberties, Economics, Fascism, Liberty, Society |
Life and Death in Shanghai by Nien Cheng |
Civil Liberties, Fascism, Liberty, Politics, Society |
A Nation of Sheep by Judge Napolitano |
Education, Fascism, Politics, Socialism, Society |
It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis |
Civil Liberties, Fascism, Religion, Society |
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith |
Economics |
Common Sense by Thomas Paine |
Civil Liberties, Politics, Liberty, Federalism |
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins |
Economics, Politics, Central Economic Planning |
Who Killed the Constitution? by Thomas Woods Jr |
Civil Liberties, Economics, Liberty, Politics, History |
Looking Backward: 2000-1887 by Edward Bellamy |
Society, Industrialization, Morality |
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell by Tucker Max |
Humor, Society, General Debauchery |
All the Trouble in the World by PJ O’Rourke |
Liberty, Politics, Religion, Society |
Prodigy by IBM |
Linux, Society, Advice, Technology |
Special Comment – Military Commissions Act by Keith Olbermann |
Civil Liberties, Liberty, Politics |
1964 RNC Speech by Ronald Reagan |
Economics, Liberty, Politics, REAL Republicanism |
The Philosophy Of Liberty | Liberty |
Network (1976): Turn Your TV Off | Mainstream Media, Society |
Stand Up: Religion by George Carlin |
Humor, Religion |
Stand Up: The American Dream by George Carlin |
Education, Politics |
The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra by The London Symphony Orchestra |
Music |
Truth Happens by Red Hat Linux |
Linux, Technology |
Barry Goldwater Tribute | Politics |
2009 Sydney Harbor Fireworks 1 of 2 2009 Sydney Harbor Fireworks 2 of 2 |
Simply amazing. |
Commentary on Mainstream Media by Jerry Day |
Politics, Society, Mainstream Media |
The Big Brother State | Civil Liberties, Fascism, Liberty, Politics |
The Gig Is Up: Money, The Federal Reserve, and You | Economics |
Why The Meltdown Should Surprise No One by Peter Schiff |
Economics |
Network | Mass Media, Society |
I.O.U.S.A. | Politics, Economics, National Debt |
Religulous |
Religion |
No Agenda (Random, Dining, Politics, Society, Science, News)
Cranky Geeks (Technology, News)
Tech5 (Technology, News)
Hak5 (Hacking, Security)
Daily Source Code (Politics, Society, News, (laughable) Conspiracies)
FLOSS Weekly (Linux, Open Source)
CATO Daily Podcast (Politics, News)
This Week In Tech (Technology, News)
Scam School (Social Engineering)
Tekzilla (General Computing)
Hubblecast (Astronomy)
TV Shows
Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K) (Comedy, Sci-Fi)
Top Gear (High End Cars, Motoring, Comedy)
Fifth Gear (Average Cars, Motoring)
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